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A member registered Apr 08, 2019

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Game seems good so far. Here are some suggestions. I know some are repeats but the fact that they are repeats might be useful.

- Rebindable controls. I'd like to be able to  use the right analog for camera and have my attack be R1 and block be L1, etc etc.

- The slight pause when destroying things is kind of distracting for me. I get the intent but you might consider having it be a stop, then a slow speed back up to normal speed?

- Dodge distance seems a tad too short.

- The audio during the boss fight is way too loud. I get that it's a boss fight, but there's something about the WAY it's loud. Almost like it is clipping or something. I don't know a ton about audio engineering but I think there is a way to make it seem louder without actually having it BE too loud. Compression? Normalization? Something along those lines. Sorry for the vagueness on that one.

This is something I'm genuinely curious about. Do these ultra-wide monitors have the option to let you show a normal 16:9 resolution but have it just center it and then crop out the sides? I'm working on a 2d game right now (I know this isn't technically 2d but it plays as one) and I can tell you that the thought of having to accommodate these types of resolutions is kind of disheartening. 

I was wondering if it was intentional. Sorry for mistaking a design choice as a bug. Have you considered tweaking it at all? I wonder if a slowdown then speedup would look cool. DOTween does wonders with stuff like that. Anyway, cool game and thanks for taking my light criticism.

When cutting the tree trunks in the opening area of the game, there is a slight hitch before it cuts in half and falls down. Having worked in Unity myself I thought maybe it would be because you are instantiating the two new halves of the tree or something from prefabs. If it is an intended delay then nevermind, but if not, you might look into memory pooling to avoid stuff like this (Unity isn't great about instantiating things)

I could be way off base on this and sorry if it sounds like I'm "telling you want to do", but *shrug* I like talking "shop" with people who use Unity.